Thursday, February 28, 2013


Dear Resident at work, I'm sorry if there was even a slight hint of annoyance when I walked into your room in the wee hours of the morning when you had your call light on for the 100th time. If I was paralyzed, I'd want help, too. Because of you, today I do not take for granted the ability to adjust my covers and scratch my nose.

Dear Molly, we're only Facebook acquaintances now, but back in third grade you and I were inseparable. Today I had a dream that your parents' farmhouse was for sale and that my husband and I bought it! When I woke up, I was flooded with images of us dancing to Mambo No. 5 and crashing four-wheelers into the fence. Thanks for the memories!

Dear Tim, this week I spent more time on the couch than off of it. Thanks for picking up my slack around our home when I feel under-the-weather. I've been gobbling up your lasagna AND your love all week long.